Research genres



Researcher or specialist


Acute myeloid leukaemia



Source Text in English
Treatment regimens for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) have remained largely unchanged until recently. Molecular advances have opened the door to targeted therapies, many of which are in late-phase clinical trials. As new therapeutic opportunities arise, it is appropriate to review key aspects of clinical trial design, statistical interpretation of outcomes, and methods of data reporting. Complete remission and overall survival (OS) are common primary endpoints in early-phase AML clinical trials. OS and event-free survival are frequent primary endpoints in phase 3 trials. Clinical trials are designed to address the primary endpoint using prespecified α and power levels.
Target Text in Spanish

Los tratamientos para la leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA) no han experimentado apenas cambios hasta hace poco. Los avances a nivel molecular han allanado el camino para los tratamientos dirigidos, muchos de los cuales se encuentran en la fase tardía de sus ensayos clínicos. A medida que surgen nuevas oportunidades terapéuticas, es conveniente revisar aspectos clave del diseño de los ensayos clínicos, la interpretación estadística de los resultados y los métodos de publicación de datos. La remisión completa y la supervivencia global (SG) son criterios de evaluación principales habituales en las fases iniciales de los ensayos clínicos de LMA. La SG y la supervivencia sin episodios son criterios de evaluación principales frecuentes en los ensayos de fase III. Los ensayos clínicos están diseñados para abordar el criterio de evaluación principal mediante niveles de α y de potencia predefinidos.

The genre “abstract”

The abstract is the calling card to any scientific paper and works as an independent text from the rest of the sections. The reader should be able to understand the research objectives and findings without having to read the entire article. The text must therefore ensure that the most important information is effectively conveyed in as few words as possible.

Common terms

Biomedical research and its associated text genres have a high level of standardisation. In order to make the abstract recognisable to the specialist, the translator must be vigilant to ensure the appropriateness of commonly used terms such as “clinical trial”, “primary endpoint” or “overall survival”.

Correctness and usage

During terminology processing, a dichotomy often arises between linguistic and conceptual correctness and the number of quantitative occurrences. The choice between “mielógena” and “mieloide” was based on the prioritisation of the target receiver, who has certain expectations, assumptions and usage preferences.

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